Further education / 26. Mai 2020 - 27. Mai 2020, 13-17 h on day 1, 9-17 h on day 2
Seminar »Poster design and presentation«
Recommended as preparation for the Young Researchers Symposium 2020
The seminar is cancelled due to current events. We will try to reschedule the seminar at a later date.
An effective poster presentation requires a cleverly designed poster, appropriate language and the ability to present it in a dialogue. This course helps you to give a professional and attractive poster presentation.
- Perform a context analysis (who, when, where, why, what)
- Craft the ‘story’ of your poster
Conference setting
- Poster as chore or opportunity?
- Poster as catalyst for networking
Poster design
- Structure and layout
- Best/ worst-practice examples
- Optimise the impact of illustrations and graphs
- graphical abstract
Poster pitch
- Presenting yourself, your research and the poster itself
- Learn to interact with the audience (leading with questions, answering questions, discussion)
You have the opportunity to receive a video feedback of your presentation.