Further education  /  04. Juli 2019  -  05. Juli 2019, 09.00 bis 17.00 h

Seminar »Effective Visual Communication of Science«

You will understand the visual communication fundamentals and how to apply them to all types of scientific presentation. It’s a way of thinking that will help you make your research ideas and results more easily understood. 


You will address all aspects of science communication that can be presented visually through diagrams, schemes, data visualizations, journal papers, project proposals, conference posters, and slides. It's a a comprehensive workshop that will cover:

DAY 1 (9 am – 5 pm)

  • Structuring the message to simplify comprehension
  • Communicating with scientific vs non-scientific audiences
  • Visual perception and what we find intuitive
  • Visual organization: how to structure to simplify comprehension
  • Eye-flow: effortlessly guide the audience through the design
  • Colors: how to amplify, not ‘fancify’
  • Typography: how to create legibility, structure and aesthetics
  • Visual consistency: how to make multiple figures follow the same style

DAY 2 (9 am – 5 pm)

  • Conference posters: strategy for creating posters that attract and explain
  • Slides that don’t distract and amplify your messages when presenting
  • Data visualizations: true, clear, and good looking presentation of data
  • Project proposals: structure and visually enhance to help the evaluator
  • Digital image file-types: the best use of vector and raster images

Detailed description: www.seyens.com/workshops


  • Lectures and discussions: theory and examples
  • Exercise: you will sketch a graphical abstract of your own research
  • Group work: you will get feedback on your sketch from your peers
  • Feedback on your visual materials: ahead of the workshop, you will submit your slides, Posters, journal papers and Dr. Zupanc prepare a selection of visuals. You will get suggestions on how to improve them from presenter and Peers.